Monday, November 4, 2013

I'm Thinking About All of You

(So, I wasn't going to write one of these because I "can't rhyme" it would have "sounded stupid" and I was "afraid of who I'm thinking about", but all yours are so freakin' good I really couldn't help it. Y'all inspire.)

I'm thinking about you
like Cruella thinks about fur,
     like frankincense thinks about myrrh,
          and like you think about her...
But I'm thinking about her like
Harry thinks about Draco.
like cats think about the lake-o
Because honestly, 
she's one big fake-o.
Sometimes I think about you
and I think of what we could have had
what we still can have.
     I think about you like cows think about grass,
          and I'm sure an ass thinks about grass
          and like Rhonda Bromley still thinks we're world class
          and like Twitter thinks about sass
          and maybe Catholics think about mass,
          but I don't actually know cause I'm Mormon and I don't think about my church, so...

I think about you like some people are still wondering what meaning of ass I meant.

I really do think about you,
but not all the time,
cause boys like you are a dozen a dime.
And I know that's not how the saying goes,
but that's how you make me feel.

I wish I didn't think about you all the time.

I think about lying to myself about you too much.
Because I'm honestly still thinking about
     your touch
          your clutch
               and when we played double dutch...
               do your remember that?
               we were in seventh grade.
               your dad watched us.
                    i was bad.

I'm thinking about you like I think of my niece.
And I finally thought I found some peace,
but then I sat in class and my thoughts didn't seem to cease...
     is that what happens when you're worried?

I'm thinking about you...
like I think about you.
All the time.
In my head.
Out loud.
Through my words.
With my art.
But always,
always in my heart.


  1. DAAAAH I just love you love you love you everyone should love you. Stealing it ALL.

  2. "and maybe Catholics think about mass,
    but I don't actually know cause I'm Mormon and I don't think about my church, so...
    awkward." Hahaha I don't know why I thought this was so funny.

  3. You can't rhyme my butt!! This was amazing! I love all the comparisons
